We help clients understand, quantify & protect against risk. Supporting them to make better informed decisions about their insurance program.
Insurance and risk issues can be complex. Business are unique. Roper Valuation provides independent expertise and experience to address complex issues.
We work closely with organizations and commercial insurance brokers of all sizes to provide independent support in the creation of effective insurance programs.
Advisory Services
Our expertise lies at the intersection of insurance & accounting in the quantification of risk, establishment of insurable values and analysis of the application of insurance coverage.
Areas of focus:
- Business Interruption Insurance | Loss of Income
- Construction Delay Risk
- Cyber Related Business Interruption
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Why Roper Valuation Advisory Services?
Business Interruption
Business Interruption Insurance protects against the loss of income. It’s a complex coverage that blends operational, financial and insurance issues. It can be crucial coverage to ensure that a business survives when disaster strikes.
Our experience tells us that business interruption claims are fraught with underinsurance and problems surrounding the application of coverage. Ultimately this leads to situations where coverage is inadequate and businesses are unable to recover the full extent of their loss.
Roper Valuation provides the expertise to value business interruption exposures and to establish necessary policy limits as well as understanding the application of coverage to every unique business.
Builders’ Risk Insurances protect against losses associated with damage suffered while a property is under construction. Such insurance programs can be complex and depending on how they are structured can cover the ownership group, the contractor group or both. The risk of project delay is one of the most significant risks for all stakeholders.
In our experience, delay related insurance coverages within construction insurance programs, including both Soft Cost and Delay-in-Start Up (DSU) covers, do not get the attention they deserve. They are misunderstood and under insured yet can offer significant value following a loss.
Roper Valuation provides the expertise to value delay related exposures and establish policy limit requirements as well as understanding the breadth of coverages available to protect against the risk of project delay.
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Cyber Risk
Cyber risk is the newest and fastest growing risk to businesses moving forward. As businesses move further into the digital economy cyber risk will be one of the most important areas to manage.

The risk of operational disruption and loss of income is a fundamental aspect of cyber exposures and the unique aspects of cyber risk will force the insurance industry to reimaging some of the core concepts of traditional business interruption coverage.
Cyber related insurances are constantly evolving as this risk becomes better understood.
Roper Valuation provides the expertise to support this growing area of risk and insurance to ensure that business interruption exposures are understood, valued and put into context within the coverages available in the market.
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