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Business Interruption Valuation Services

In support of the Wyndham and HUB International partnership

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Business Interruption Insurance

Desktop Reviews

For the Hospitality Industry

No more BI Worksheets!
Let us do it for you, saving you time & getting it done right!

Business Interruption Insurance is a critical coverage for most businesses and is often what ensures their survival during a major loss. It can also be complicated and is a struggle for a lot of businesses.

We often find that policyholders are unsure of how to calculate their BI limits and are not aware of the key coverage elements that need to be addressed. This leads to significantly inadequate protection when claims occur and puts the survival of the business as risk.

Our Desktop BI Reviews are focused on supporting the hospitality industry with the establishment of effective business interruption coverage.

Desktop BI Reviews are a standardized process that replaces the need to complete traditional BI worksheets, provide accurate limits and avoid common mistakes.

Preferred pricing offered to participants of the Wyndham HUB partnership.

Starting at

$350   $250

per location**

We consistently see Business Interruption limits that are too low by 40-60%

Desktop BI Reviews are the Better Way!

Book a No Fee Consultation today.

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*Desktop BI Reviews are limited to businesses that fall within the intended scope, including size, industry and type of operation. Larger more complex operations require a more consultative approach provided within our Advisory Services.

desktop review

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A Desktop Review is a standardized, limited-scope evaluation of a given subject such as a policyholder’s Business Interruption limits.

  • Preliminary, high level, and efficient
  • Cost-effective approach when a more fulsome and detailed analysis is not required
  • Focused examination of the core documentation such as a policyholder’s relevant financial, payroll, and policy information
Why Desktop reviews?
Don’t be a statistic!

The Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters estimates that 40% of business interruption insurance policies are undervalued by 45%. The calculation of BI limits is fraught with questions and misunderstandings and traditional BI worksheets offer little support.


Let us provide the clarity you need!

Our reviews:

  • Offer value-added support! Don’t be left in the dark!
  • Provide a value-added service at an affordable flat fee per location.
  • Removes the need to fill out worksheets and takes away the stress of doing it right.
  • Deliver the context & structure needed to understand what BI limits represent
  • Align calculations with policy wording requirements, including coinsurance (often 100%)
  • Meets any policy requirements for cost declaration.
  • Supports all parties – policyholders, brokers & underwriters
  • Protects brokers from E&O exposures

What is Covered?

  • Calculate accurate Business Interruption Insurance limits
  • Highlight key risk & underwriting information
  • Identify critical policy requirements
  • Avoid common mistakes & confusion
  • Establish truly effective coverage
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Bridging the gap by combining knowledge of Insurance & Accounting

Loss Quantification Services

For the Hospitality Industry


Claims are challenging.

Businesses often struggle to assess, quantify, and present the impact to their business and the extent of the loss incurred.

You don’t have to do it alone!

Take steps towards resolution today!

Book a No Fee Consultation

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Roper Valuation provides the support that organizations need at every step of the insurance claim, dispute resolution, or litigation process to provide clarity and quantification of complicated insurance and financial issues.

We can help.

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Have questions about your claim? Let’s discuss them together today.

Business Interruption | Loss of Income | Construction Delays | Cyber | Property Damage | Stock Damage | Extra Expense Increased Cost of Working

Ways to Learn More

3 Different Ways to Get Started With a Review

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